Letterpress Cards are the Secret to Your Success

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Letterpress Cards are the Secret to Your Success

Business cards have been an effective method of advertising for a century, but in recent years many business owners have ignored this successful method and decided to jump into the social media pool. The problem with this thinking is that even though social media reaches a global audience, you are swimming in a pool that has reached capacity because all your competition is doing the exact same thing. Growing your business is about growing your customer base, and letterpress cards can help you to get there faster and easier than any type of marketing.

Making the Cards Memorable

Rather than cram everything about you and your business on to the cards, the trick is to give them just enough to keep them wanting more. The way that you do this is by listing one contact number, one email address, one social platform, and then a few words about that it is that you sell or do. Cramming too much on that card looks unprofessional and can confuse the buyer easily. Use your best contact information and then just allow the buyers to reach out when the are in need of the products or the services that you are selling.

Hitting the Street in Style

Now that you have your new shiny Letterpress Cards, get yourself dresses for success and start hitting the street. Visit as many businesses you can in a day, and make sure to find the decision maker in each company and introduce yourself and hand them one of your new business cards. This will make a lasting impression with them because other businesses are too busy on social media to be bothered to get out and meet with the customers. This is a golden opportunity for you to grab a ton of local business with little effort.

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